... 加油站经理 gas station manager 一般商店经理 general store manager 礼品店经理 gift shop manager ...
That's what Richard Dickson, Barbie's general manager said ahead of opening a 6-floor flagship store in downtown Shanghai.
——这是芭比娃娃(Barbie)的总经理理查德·迪克森(Richard Dickson)在上海市中心一家6层楼的旗舰店开张前夕说的话。
The daily turnover at Laofengxiang City God Temple store was close to 800,000 yuan (US$100,000) last weekend, setting a new record for the store, general manager Li Fuying said.
老凤祥城隍庙金铺的总经理李福迎(音)说,上周末它们店铺的日交易额接近800 000元(100 000美元),创下该店交易额的历史纪录。
Under the general direction of the Operation Manager, responsible for the controlling receiving of F&B items and store inventories through timely feedback and reporting to maximize profitability.