That is what provides the water for Dew Pond, the moist air under the spreading yews and figs below it, and the soil.
To form a tornado, cold air must sit above warm and moist air, and the wind needs to go in different directions at different heights, creating shear forces.
The moist air from the Pacific brings us much rain.
Reduce the likelihood of blisters caused by moist air saturation of the hull.
Moist air forced to flow upward around mountain tops can create lenticular clouds.
The movement of warmer, moist air to the east leaves drier weather in the western Pacific.
Hurricanes usually derive energy from moist air, and dry air can weaken or even stop a storm.
Warm moist air from south of the Himalayas glided up over the cold dome and became saturated.
The first chamber can be configured to be isolated or in communication with a course of moist air.
The moist air fares like the wet clothes we spoke of; the warm dry air absorbs its particles of water.
Clouds and storms are driven by warm, moist air that rises up off Earth's surface, then cools and condenses.
The thermal performance of moist air cross flow heat exchanger with two fluids unmixed has been studied.
Shape: Colorless granular crystal, easily soluble in water and alcohol, easy to deliquescence in moist air.
Wherever there's a mixing cloud, you can bet some warm, moist air is mixing with air that's cooler and drier.
The aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil are significantly influenced by non-equilibrium condensation of moist air.
The warm, moist air in boundary layer is very vigorous, but the behavior of cold, dry air is weaker before hail occurrence.
These cumulonimbus clouds, which Simpson called "hot towers," act like chimneys for the warm, moist air rising from the tropical oceans.
In high - precision calculating moist air properties, calculation model of the water vapor saturation curve of moist air is the key.
With moist air as the radical source, the influence of nozzle electrode's OD on both corona discharge and NO oxidation have been studied.
Which raises a question: how do clouds stay up in the sky? Clouds form when warm, moist air rises to a greater altitude, causing it to expand and cool.
Dilute solutions of a simple, coil-like polymer in a volatile solvent are cast on a glass slide in the presence of moist air flowing across the surface.
Whole cooling load of automotive air conditioner consists of three parts, vehicle body heat transfer and ventilating new air heat and condensing moist air heat.
The PVT properties of moist air are calculated by chosen potential function model and modified virial pressure function, results agree well with experiment data.
The prevailing winds have shifted since the onset of Summer and rumbling storms herald the arrival of moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of California.
In regions strongly influenced by maritime monsoon and moist air current, the vertical zonality of grassland coincides basically with horizontal zonality of grassland.
In regions strongly influenced by maritime monsoon and moist air current, the vertical zonality of grassland coincides basically with horizontal zonality of grassland.