The inside door opened, and we passed into the wardrobe.
Lisa Guetzkow, a 25-year-old American, is crossing the dusty border from China to Mongolia crammed into the front seat of an ancient Russian jeep that has a scarf for an inside door handle.
25岁的美国人丽莎?居茨科(Lisa Guetzkow)挤在一辆用围巾充当车内门把手的老式俄罗斯吉普车前排座位上,穿越尘土飞扬的边境,从中国前往蒙古国。
Mary hoped the crow was not going to stay inside and she pushed the door open wondering if he would.
He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.
On June 7, when passing Loris room to leave for work, I opened the door and slipped the album inside.
If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while travelling, make sure you can lock the door of your room from the inside.
"He is inside, making round wooden spoons," the child replied, opening the door while she spoke.
Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance out first, or never saying "Thank you" when others hold the door open for them.
I'm sure you'll recognise the desk—that's still in the same place, as it has to be just inside the door.
We all stood inside the door of the supermarket and waited quietly.
With it, she opened the front door and went inside.
He pushed the door open and went inside.
The man jumped up, closed the cabin door and yelled to his friend inside, "You skin this one while I go and get another one!"
The man reportedly pushed the trolley, which contained three large cans of petrol and a large number of firecrackers, inside the door of the TIO where there were customers and staff.
SUITORS keep knocking on the door of Iraq's oil ministry but the people inside are still coyly loth to say "come in".
SUITORS keep knocking on the door of Iraq’s oil ministry but the people inside are still coyly loth to say “come in”.
Justin, my 17-year-old, often places small fluorescent reminder notes at eye level on the inside of the frame of his bedroom door.
Store butter in its original packaging inside the refrigerator compartment (not inside the door). Butter can also be frozen for up to six months.
When Mum opened the door some of the groceries fell inside onto the floor and she just stood there dumbfounded.
When Mum opened the door, some of the groceries fell inside onto the floor, and she just stood there dumbfounded.
I quickly opened the driver's side door, crumbled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat.
The driver pulled over and passengers fled from the bus, bracing the door to keep the attacker inside.
When the couple was inside, the bridegroom bolted the door shut, looked around, and thinking that they were all alone, he pulled off his donkey skin and stood there as a handsome young man of royalty.
The hotel management has done a very good job... They told us to turn the lights off, shut the curtains and stay inside and do not answer the door.
As Nurse Katie leaves the room, Michael catches the closing door and quickly locks the door from the inside. He then presses it shut.
Two brothers guarded his door and no one was allowed inside except to bring him food.
It was worth a try. He pushed the door ajar and peered inside - and a horrible scene met his eyes.
At the other end, in the paint shop, a sprayer dressed in a protective suit squirts a mist of colour inside the back door of a car shell.
If you open the door, a light comes on and you can see what's inside.
This is not what I asked for, I told myself, as I slipped the door keys into an envelope, sealed it and pinned the envelope to the wall just inside the front door.