His dad said, "Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream."
His dad told her to have faith in Wang Wei, and sure enough he put the television back together perfectly.
They reason that since top executives evidently have faith in the bank's financial soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false.
There are a lot of difficulties in front of us, yet we still have faith in victory.; we are in the face of difficulties, yet we still have faith in victory.
Have faith that your efforts will be rewarded.
The answer My Beloveds is you only need to have faith and know that they are with you.
"I have hope, I have faith, but it hasn't done me justice in the last two years," she says.
Is it better to have faith without seeing or is seeing necessary for faith? It's a problem.
It is important you have faith in your own values and remember what is important to you.
Given the potential threats, Renren's founder, Joseph Chen, is asking investors to have faith.
If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can tell a mountain to remove itself and it'll go.
For the Palestinians, it means "now" — because they can't have faith in any promise for a better future.
The idea that somehow you don't have faith in God because you keep kosher is ridiculous to a lot of Jews.
She told her that all she needed to do was to have faith, persistence, courage and and indomitable spirit.
Because I'm presenting my images to a mass audience, I have to have faith that people care about things.
Teams must have faith in their coaches and trust that experience and intelligence guides the tough calls.
You can either worry and wonder if it's all going to fall apart, or you can choose to have faith and trust God.
I've committed to focus on the positive, and to have faith in a brighter future, no matter what's going on.
ANN: I have every faith in it — (pausing; turning to look at Joe) as I have faith inin relations between people.
Some parents text-messaged him and said they would continue to support Sanlu and have faith with the brand name.
Jobs says that you can't connect the dots moving forward. You can only have faith and believe in your dreams.
You may give intellectual assent to what God can do but unless you take the first step, you do not have faith.
For any place, but in particular for any city to live, you must have faith in it, in its reality and significance.
I have faith that youunderstand that assaults on the dignity of others are assaults on the dignityof all humanity.
In fact, there have been so many contradictions that we somehow still have faith that they might be alive somewhere.
God expects us to have faith, but also to use common sense and wise planning in allocating the resources he has given us.
God expects us to have faith, but also to use common sense and wise planning in allocating the resources he has given us.