It may be better to set a short term goal to kick-start your studies, to "get your feet wet" and overcome this inertia.
We also build an image-based ID card generator and get your feet wet performing image manipulation with PHP.
It's one of those great programs that allows kids to get their feet wet in every area of the business.
You can try a lot of activities, get your feet wet on campus and take several different classes to see what it is you most enjoy.
Before jumping into the example application, you might want to get your feet wet first by taking a closer look at the three technologies that will be used to create and deploy the application.
Probably the best way to get your feet wet with regular expressions is to see a few examples.
Benchmarking in general does require experimentation and is very much application-specific, but this whitepaper should provide a good primer for those wanting to get their feet wet.
Miller agreed: "Most groups seem to be getting their feet wet with scalability and performance testing or deploying internal apps as they get familiar with the pros and cons," he said.
This is a great game for him to come back in and get his feet wet and start playing.
I don't get paid for it but it's a chance to jump in and get my feet wet.
Its one of those great programs that allows kids to get their feet wet in every area of the business.
I don't get paid but it's a chance to jump in and get my feet wet.
I don't get paid but it's a chance to jump in and get my feet wet.