Whenever a customer would inquire about my book, the volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point to it.
Some time afterward, I happened to take out the notes of the story, and idly looked them over; and suddenly, I do not know how, I got the point of view!
At that point we can (and should) publish to the trunk, i.e. take all new code on the work branch and copy over to the trunk.
Even events that are supposed to be fun, like having friends over for a dinner party, become stressful as it can take all day to prepare (this also links into the first point - Time).
But to take this narrow point of view would be to ignore the obvious tremendous advances that have been made over the past one hundred years by the human race.
If you moused-over the link and saw you already read the post, you can still take the point.
For women, shopping is like talking - it does not need to have a specific point or objective and can take place in an unstructured way over several hours.
The Policy of Joint Agreement would take over from that point to help you try to resolve the problem.
All of these activities take a toll on the body over time and can lead to injury at some point in our lives.
Fortunately, it was at that point I met a 30-year-old forestry worker called Gadiel Sanchez Rivera - known as Cho - who agreed to take over as my guide.
幸运的是,那时我遇到了一个30岁的林业工作者加代尔·桑切兹·里维拉(GadielSanchez Rivera)——他被称为曹(Cho)。他同意做我的向导。
At that point we can (and should) publish to the trunk, i. e. take all new code on the work branch and copy over to the trunk.
At a certain point, I quite methodically planning every move, relaxed a little, and let my right brain take over.
There comes a point where they must allow the Light to take over as the dominant power, and with the help of our Allies we are pushing hard to break their resistance.
Take over the entry point. No one gets close.
If you want to weaning do not want to take medicine, it is only ailing point, and are so over the Arab-Israeli.
From this point on, let your eyes, nose, creativity and taste buds take over.
Move the helicopter to the right, keeping the tail pointed away from the pilot, in a circle around the pilot. Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
"I took over most of the point guard duties to take the pressure off him," Alston said.
Stop over take-off point, descend vertically and land completely within the landing circle.
Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
That theory has been altered by a successful trip to Ibrox to win the Old Firm Derby against Rangers to take a 21-point lead over their rivals, and the 8-1 rout at East End Park.
但这种论调在老字号德比客场击败流浪者,并领先老对手21分以及8 - 1在东方公园血洗邓福马林之后被打破了。
I have been using Femdophilus for over a year now, and at this point, I take it only when I feel discomfort. In the beginning, I took it regularly (twice a day) for six months.
I have been using Femdophilus for over a year now, and at this point, I take it only when I feel discomfort. In the beginning, I took it regularly (twice a day) for six months.