Conclusion the surgical therapy is an effective method treating pleura tubercle tumor. This method possessed advantage of precise curative effect and had few complications.
Conclusion DCT could provide sufficiently valuable evidences in diagnose and surgical therapy of dental implantation, tumor and cyst, impacted and embedded tooth, inflammatory diseases.
This study examined the clinical outcome and morbidity of patients with RCC and vascular tumor thrombus treated with aggressive surgical therapy.
Methods Medical records of these 2 patients were reviewed to find the duration of target therapy, toxicity, response of tumor, surgical approach, intraoperative findings, and pathology analysis.
The treatment consisted of chemotherapy and (or) hormonal therapy for the primary tumor and radiation therapy or surgical management of the metastatic lesion.
The treatment consisted of chemotherapy and (or) hormonal therapy for the primary tumor and radiation therapy or surgical management of the metastatic lesion.