After that it is expected to become a red giant, as the hydrogen that presently comprises it is exhausted and the sun switches to burning helium instead.
When a star similar to the sun fuses most of its hydrogen into helium, then the helium into carbon, the star becomes unstable and puffs out into a red giant.
Of course, in about five-billion years, our Sun will become a red giant and likely will swallow up the inner planets and the planets' accompanying moons.
The sun will then become what's called a red giant, and its radius will reach just past the orbit of Venus.
The sun will swell into a red giant .
The sun will swell into a red giant.
As a result, the core will shrink and the outer layers will rapidly expand as the Sun transforms itself into a red giant.
Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration.
Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star, its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.
And about 5.4 billion years, the sun will become the ultimate shredder. A red giant large enough to swallow earth's whole.
Around 7.5 billion years, the expanding sun, now a red giant, will engulf the earth entirely, Sounds bleak, so can we avoid this hot mass?
Around 7.5 billion years, the expanding sun, now a red giant, will engulf the earth entirely, Sounds bleak, so can we avoid this hot mass?