The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time, and it's one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave.
Almost all rich countries provide paid maternity leave, averaging about 20 weeks.
In recent years women employees in some units have been given six months 'paid maternity leave.
They are entitled to (but don't always get) three months' paid maternity leave and mostly return to work afterwards.
The period of paid maternity leave to which new mothers are entitled has been extended from six to nine months.
The UK is to extend paid maternity leave to a year from 9 months by the end of the current session of parliament.
Under French law, women get several weeks or even months of paid maternity leave and can also take up to 3 years unpaid time off.
In fact, many new moms around the world have to go back to work as soon as possible after their child is born because they have no access to paid maternity leave.
Together long, low-paid maternity leave and short, low-paid paternity leave convey the message that it is primarily women who are responsible for the care of young children.
"We are one of the few countries in the world that does not offer paid maternity leave to new moms and one of a slightly larger number that doesn't offer paid leave to new dads," Shabo said.
Ms Plibersek said the Productivity Commission's inquiry into paid maternity leave, increasing tax rebates for child care and dismantling Work Choices were policies that would help reduce the gap.
They have 28 days of paid holiday by law, not including maternity leave, sick leave, etc. while we have 10.
Obama also called for a higher minimum wage for workers, equal pay for women and paid sick leave, maternity leave and child care assistance for working families.
Obama also called for a higher minimum wage for workers, equal pay for women and paid sick leave, maternity leave and child care assistance for working families.