The preferred measure of quarterly profit at private-equity firms is 'economic net income, ' rather than ordinary net income or something as humdrum as cash flow.
In last year's fourth quarter, the company's revenue and net income fell short of analysts' expectations, amplifying concerns about the impact of an economic slowdown on online advertising.
Tata Motors Ltd., India’s largest truckmaker and the owner of Jaguar Land Rover, turned to full- year net income after the luxury unit had a pretax profit and sales gained amid economic growth.
The Numbers are from the Economic Research Service at the Department of Agriculture. They represent net farm income, a measure of profitability of farm operations.
The basic criterion of measuring the economic effects is the net income per unit area.
The main reasons are: since there is no net income benefit index considered, the economic benefit index is generally on the low side;
The main reasons are: since there is no net income benefit index considered, the economic benefit index is generally on the low side;