The extent of the market's split personality is not captured by the broad indices.
If we want employment, opportunities, and economic growth, we need to remove constraints on the extent of the market that limit the social division of labor.
FORBES: You Can Always Depend on the Self-Interest of Strangers
Chinese real-estate prices vary greatly among locations and by market segmentation, and analysts differ on the extent of the market correction since tightening began in 2010.
FORBES: A New Foundation: Chinese Developers Back On Real-Estate Tiger
The extent of the bull market in these shares suggests that Wall Street thinks the dollar's slide has some way to go.
"The pace and the extent of the return of Iraqi crude to the market remain unclear at the present time, as this country, with its proud OPEC heritage, seeks to reestablish itself on the world energy scene, " is how Abdullah put it.
Whether the associated equity speed bump exceeds the May 2006 global-market correction depends on the extent of the U.S. inflation problem.
All of the above is shutting self-employed borrowers out of the mortgage market to a greater extent, Mr. McBride says.
WSJ: Qualifying for a Mortgage Is Harder for the Self-Employed
"We were aware that the company had difficulties in their market but were not aware of the extent of them, " he said.
The extent of behind-the-scenes Cabinet splits before the 1975 referendum on British membership of the Common Market.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Nuclear secrets of 1975 revealed
The most eye-catching was a move away from competitive markets, which to some extent would reverse the privatisation of the energy market as there could be a centralised energy buyer that could be government owned or regulated.
The continuing reluctance to engage to the greatest possible extent in flexible market-based ways of reducing emissions not only makes control of greenhouse gases vastly more expensive than it would otherwise be (a good thing, admittedly, in the view of many environmentalists).
The market shutdown reflects uncertainty over the extent of restructuring needed for the cajas.
We determine the odds for, and extent of, those moves from our proprietary analysis of the way the volume market-makers servicing big-fund clients protect the at-risk positions that must be taken as they compete for this lucrative business.
OECD's indicator of product-market regulation (ie, the extent of state ownership, the red tape involved in setting up a business, and barriers to international trade and investment) again puts India at the bottom of the class.
With this sequence of bets you'll (a) be exposed to market losses to the extent of the money you paid for the trade, (b) get triple the index return up to 15%, (c) give up any gains above 15%.
All of which is to say that central banks have to a large extent displaced the market, providing record volumes of loans to banks, and in return for assets or collateral of increasing diversity and - arguably - diminishing quality.
The Fed's half-point cut in mid-September showed that the central bank is worried about the effect of the housing market on growth but also that it hopes speedy action will limit the extent to which that infects the broader economy.
Before then it could have liberalised the electricity market as it saw fit, even to the extent of breaking Enel into several pieces in an effort to create a competitive environment.
The obvious solution is to strip the rules of references to ratings where possible, so that the market, rather than a government mandate, determines the extent of their use.
Unit trusts account for about 13% of the British equity market, which means that, to a significant extent, these managers are the market.
The argument about to what extent EA is responsible for these changes to games, and how much the invisible hand of the market is to blame, will be fought over for a long time to come.
FORBES: John Riccitiello Steps Down As EA CEO - Why, And What Now?
The market reaction was swift and clearly showed traders had been wrong-footed by the extent of the GDP contraction.
And it is probably better to err on the side of overstating the problem than understating it because there is growing concern about the extent to which the housing market can recover from the subprime crisis.
America's labour market may be unique in the extent of its middle-class troubles, but not in their existence.
But this total disguises the extent to which Asian central banks have been collecting dollars in order to stop their currencies appreciating against the currency of their export market of choice: America.
The lead researcher, UCC's Professor Ivan Perry said the findings of the report highlighted the "extent of societal involvement in diet and health and the limitations of approaches which emphasise the role of personal choice, responsibility and market forces in relation to diet and health".
A. Hayek, market theoreticians have to a large extent employed the equivalent of the Great Man theory of history to explain what makes markets tick.
Apple's problems in increasing its market share are, to a large extent, a result of the high prices it charges for its computers compared with similar products from the likes of Dell or Hewlett-Packard.
It is roughly five years since the US housing market bubble started to deflate, helping to tip the economy into recession and exposing the extent of the sub-prime mortgage scandal in which many people took out loans that they had little prospect of repaying.
This type of linkage is repeated across the industrial metals sector and, to a lesser extent, in oil, a more speculative market.