American inspectors could then visit factories and confirm Macau as the country of origin.
No longer is a garment's country of origin defined as where the cloth was cut.
Fifty-one percent of those surveyed said they describe their identity by using country of origin.
If I had been president, I would have deported Munro back to his country of origin.
China thus leads India and South Korea as the primary country of origin for foreign students.
For a start, it is not possible to filter Internet traffic automatically for its country of origin.
The protective effect of aspirin appeared to be consistent regardless of age, sex, race or country of origin.
It can be confiscated if customs discovers a shipment does not meet regulations -- including country of origin.
To stop that, Washington has changed the way it will determine the "country of origin" for textile imports.
It can be embedded into product labels, or sprayed on to cotton to mark its country of origin.
For decades, marketing researchers have studied something called "the country of origin" effect.
One such order would force foreign manufacturers to place an indelible marking on products that shows country of origin.
FORBES: Wendy Rosen: From Businesswoman and Arts Advocate to Politician
Reform of labelling regulations to show country of origin and method of production.
He recently secured an adjournment debate in the House of Commons about country of origin markings for manufactured products.
Yishai said Israel is treating the detained migrants "with honor" but must return them to their country of origin.
But Mr Wallgrave believes the real solution to the problem lies in tackling it in people's country of origin.
Without a doubt, historical artefacts should be returned to their country of origin.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Who should own historic artefacts?
And in all such systems, the original sum delivered to the hawala broker never actually leaves the country of origin.
Mexico is the largest country of origin of Christian migrants, most of them now living in the U.S., the report says.
WSJ: U.S. Top Destination for Christian, Buddhist Immigrants, Study Says
And in the early 1900's, Congress targeted Italians, Jews and Greeks by creating quotas that limited immigration by country of origin.
CNN: Commentary: Fear of foreigners drives immigration debate
Scores are awarded for the correct identification of the wine's predominant grape variety, country of origin, viticultural region, subdistrict and vintage.
Depending on where you live, all you need is a country of origin and another country to move selected assets to.
The country's Interior Minister, Brice Hortefeux, said the Roma would be returned to their country of origin on "specially chartered flights".
Do you send them back to the country of origin before they can apply for any kind of a permanent work visa?
According to a 1970 United Nations agreement, artefacts are the property of their country of origin and pieces smuggled out must be returned.
Only on beef - because of the BSE crisis - and certain other fruit and vegetables must the country of origin be labelled.
The aircraft would tour the five nations to pick up illegal immigrants of the same nationality, then return them to their country of origin.
W. Bush were among those U.S. presidents who have ordered that undocumented migrants at sea by interdicted and returned to their country of origin.
CNN: 26 Cuban migrants intercepted by Coast Guard, repatriated
"He opted to return to his country of origin, " said attorney Telesforo Guerra, who has represented McAfee since he arrived in Guatemala last week.
Without Congressional action, the current wait for an employment-based green card can be 5 to 20 years or more, depending on the country of origin.