Hook, a former Army man and prison guard, had been hired by DynCorp just the month before.
Even so, I got a book flung at me for talking in class by our inspirational English teacher, an ex-army man.
Though the army man obliged, General Bimantoro, head of Indonesia's police, has refused to accept his sacking which, according to the rules, must be approved by parliament.
The deadpan American hipster Tommy Lee Jones gives the performance of a lifetime in this sombre but fascinating movie, playing a former army man, Hank Deerfield, whose son, Mike (Jonathan Tucker), after serving in Iraq, has gone AWOL in America.
As the young man (played by Emile Hirsch) travels about, he attracts the interest of a South Dakota wheat farmer (Vince Vaughn, playing it straight), an aging hippie (Catherine Keener), and a retired Army man living on the edge of the California desert (Hal Holbrook), all of whom ask him to put down his backpack and stay.
Captain Martin Walker is a one-man army (or the leader of a three-man army, anyways) whose ability to carve through countless foes is unmatched in any action movie.
The fidgety defector, 20-year-old Ahmed al-Latouf, said he had served as an army mortar man.
When he joined the army as a young man he was interested in military engineering, and probably his ambitions should have stopped there.
Police said they responded Wednesday afternoon to reports of an incident close to the Woolwich army barracks involving a man being assaulted by two other men wielding a number of weapons including firearms.
General Mamdouh Shaheen, a member of the 24-man ruling army council, told a television interviewer that at least until presidential elections are held next summer the army will retain the right to hire and fire governments.
Prince Abdullah, aged 36 and the king's right-hand man in the army, has never concerned himself with politics.
The outdoor climbing frame, built by the army, is the largest man-made structure for apes in the world, and will encourage the chimpanzees' natural curiosity and intelligence.
The Zapatista uprising began in January 1994, when the rebel Zapatista National Liberation Army, led by a man known only as "Subcommandante Marcos" declared war on the central government in an effort to gain improved living conditions and better rights for indigenous Indian peasants in the southern Chiapas region.
Migrants own the shops, restaurants and building firms, and man the police and army.
The man responsible for an army cadet expedition which led to a teenager's death has admitted health and safety charges.
The man was arrested by army intelligence at his house in a village near the town of Pokhran on Sunday and is being questioned by security agencies.
"The Army came in and shot the bad man, " Kirkland said Ethan told her.
General PETER PACE (U.S. Army): You know, this man's work ethic is incredible.
The Army has an infantryman, a mortar man and fully armoured infantryman, and the RAF has a Falcons parachutist, a fast jet pilot, and a winchman.
Neutral Switzerland requires every able-bodied man to serve in the army, starting with a five-month stint at age 19 or 20, with annual refresher courses lasting several weeks for the next 10 years, and more for officers.
How could the French army have conspired to bring down an innocent man in the name of national security?
As part of a six-man experiment at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1987, he had himself injected four times with a genetically engineered malaria vaccine.
Gen Bigeard, who was also a commanding officer during the Battle of Algiers, began his military career as an enlisted man, and retired from the army as State Secretary for Defence in 1976.
But Barlow noted that in this case studio marketers had to overcome audiences' unfamiliarity with the subject matter -- the 2000-year-old Chinese legend of a courageous young women who disguises herself as a man to enter the National Chinese Army in order to save her ailing father from being drafted.
But a year later it was clear the young man's interests were in the Army.
The commanding officer is Colonel Dawud Ibrahim(ph), a one-time army officer and farmer, he is a lean man in a worn leather jacket.
But it also became clear, when my questions about the wisdom or otherwise of disbanding the Iraqi army visibly nettled him, that he was a man uncomfortable with press scrutiny.
The army's high command, an 18-man body including the 75-year-old defence minister, Muhammad Tantawi, the chief of staff, Sami Enan, and the commanders of service branches, specialist corps and military regions, suspended the constitution, dissolved Egypt's parliament and assumed control.
Rather than panic and scream, she politely asked him to refrain, and the young man, a soldier in the Sri Lankan army, looked a bit embarrassed and apologised.
That hearing involved a lawsuit filed by two voters -- a U.S. Army doctor, Kevin Reilly, in Hawaii and a man living in Paris -- who said they already cast their ballots in the race.