... pick up the tab 替人付帐; 承担费用; 付帐 pick up truck 轻型货车 pick up tube 摄像管; 电视摄像管 ...
Pick-Up Truck 汽车总动员 ; 轻运货车 ; 小货车 ; 小吨位运货汽车
light duly pick-up truck 轻妥为小卡车 ; 妥为轻型卡车 ; 光正式皮卡车
alert pick up truck 紧急拾物车
Pick Up Truck Racing 皮卡大竞速
crash into a pick-up truck 撞上轻便小货车
Occupant of pick-up truck or van injured in transport accident 轻型货车或篷车乘员在运输事故中的损伤
Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van (traffic) 小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性)
Person injured in collision between car and pick-up truck or van, nontraffic 小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性
Occupant (driver) (passenger) of pick-up truck or van injured in other specified transport accidents 轻型货车或篷车乘员在其他特指运输事故中的损伤
Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving.
There is also the question of the eco-car's potential impact on the pick-up truck sector.
As one commentator puts it, a typical red-shirt villager probably has a secondary education, a pick-up truck and a healthy scepticism of Bangkok officials.