公布 中文名称:高副 英文名称:higher pair 定义:其元素为点、线接触的运动副。 应用学科: 机械工程(一级学科); 机构学(二级学科);机构学一般名词(二级学科) 高副: 两构件通过点接触或线接
higher-pair 高副
higher pair wear 高副磨损
planar higher-pair 平面高副
Sliding higher pair 滑动高副
Rolling higher pair 滚动高副
higher pair mechanism [机] 高副机构
In higher pair plane transmission, it is important to determine the curvature radius of the member.
Kinematic analysis is carried out for the first time on constant-breadth arc CAM mechanisms with oscillating flat-faced follower by the method of replacing higher pair by lower pairs.
The two elements of a lower pair have theoretical surface contact with one another, while the two elements of a higher pair have theoretical point or line contact (if we disregard deflections).
We mean that if these are your payoffs, no matter what your pair does, you attain a higher payoff from choosing Alpha, than you do from choosing Beta.
Good; so what Clara Elise is saying--it's an important idea-- is this and tell me if I'm paraphrasing you incorrectly is no matter what the other person does, no matter what the pair does, she obtains a higher payoff by choosing Alpha.