...这是希望的春天,也是失望的冬天...动起来...时刻准备着... WhenYouWantToBeAStar 当你想成明星 Heartbroken Love 伤心的爱 The Last Waltz 最后的华尔兹 ...
The devoted heartbroken love 那份心痛的沉溺
Mr Overschmidt said the swan will figure it out sooner or later - but hopes he will not be too heartbroken by the discovery that his true love is not meant to be.
彼得说,这只黑天鹅迟早会发现它的“恋人”有问题,但是希望那个时候它不会太伤心。 彼得还说,希望这只天鹅以后不要再犯类似的错误。
A female love of Starr's had moved away and she was heartbroken.
By understanding why they fall in love and why they are so heartbroken, they can use new therapies.