占地(Covering)1600亩的湖滨公园小桥流水,绿草如茵(Green grass),大大小小的雕塑和建设短文粉饰其间,“三化”理念之专业化:除了你的学识,仪表,谈吐和获得好感外,最重要的是要有较好的专业...
The Green Grass of Home 缘来自有机 ; TVB缘来自有机
Rain on The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上 ; 下雨了 ; 雨水落在绿草上 ; 小雨落在青草地
green green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园 ; 碧草如茵的家 ; 家乡的青青草地
Green grass of home 绿草如茵的家园 ; 碧草如茵的家园 ; 故乡的青草地
Green Grass Home 绿草如茵的爱 ; 绿草如茵的家园
Green Grass Alongside The River 青青河边草
Green grass on the bank 软泥上的青荇
以上来源于: WordNet
Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.
In place of hair, his head was covered by a thick bush of green grass.
A carpet of fallen leave beneath nearly bare trees, with green grass in the background serving as a memory of the summer gone by.
It can provide thick green grass without the work or wait required to grow a lawn from seed.
VOA: special.2009.07.07
There's no mention of chicken or beef, In Genesis 1:30, God says that the animals are being given the green plants, the grass and herbs, for food.
The color green is natural for trees and grass.
VOA: special.2009.11.15