...总结本文的分析讨论,依据美国国家资优教育研究中心主任Renzulli 博士的研究,资赋优异的概念可以界定如下:资赋优异(Giftedness)至少 凿 含了人类的三种特质,这三种特质是中等以上的能刂、高创造刂及努刂毅 刂,当这三种特质产生交互作用时,个体即倾向于表现...
Intelligence and giftedness 智力与天赋 ; 小学生的智商研究
appearance age of giftedness 天才显示年龄
Internationally, "giftedness" is most frequently determined by a score on a general intelligence test, known as an IQ test, which is above a chosen cutoff point, usually at around the top 2-5%.
在国际上,“天才”最常由一项智商测试(IQ test)的分数决定,这些“天才”的测试分数高于选定的分界线,通常在前2%至5%左右。
Genius and giftedness are relative descriptive terms of no real substance.
It is our fear of giftedness that complicates life.
I think what I like to tell students is to consider what they're passionate about, what special areas of giftedness they have, and what drives your economic engine.