fit in &window 适配窗口
fit page in window 全页显示 ; 使页面适合窗口命令
fit spread in window 跨页显示 ; 使扩展页适台窗口命令
Fit t in window 适合窗口
fit t page in window 全页显现 ; 全页显示
fit t spread in window 跨页显示 ; 跨页显现
Fit in a new window-pane 装配一块新的窗玻璃
Paragraphs are shorter: Because you have to scroll a lot when reading on a screen, paragraphs tend to be shorter so a whole thought can fit in a browser window.
Why this is a mistake: That doggie in the window may be darling, but he might not be the right fit for your family or lifestyle.
The DITA architecture is focused on topics, relatively small pieces of information that can fit in a browser window with minimal scrolling.
DITA 体系结构关注的是主题,相对较小的信息片段恰好能放在浏览器窗口中,很少需要滚动窗口。