[ 第三人称单数 fertilizes 现在分词 fertilizing 过去式 fertilized 过去分词 fertilized ]
to fertilize 施化肥 ; 沃饶
Fertilize plants 给植物施肥 ; 䰛
fertilize plant 给植物施肥
fertilize flowers 使花受粉
fertilize a tree 给树施肥
fertilize e 施肥
fertilize fertilize 土地肥沃的
Real time supervision of leaf chlorophyll content is necessary for better understanding the status of nitrogen in different growth stages of rice and most important guide functions in agricultural yield scientific fertilize.
参考来源 - 水稻不同生育期叶绿素含量的测定及其相关性分析—《现代农业科技》—2010年第17期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
V-T When an egg from the ovary of a woman or female animal is fertilized, a sperm from the male joins with the egg, causing a baby or young animal to begin forming. A female plant is fertilized when its reproductive parts come into contact with pollen from the male plant. 使受精; 使授粉
Certain varieties cannot be fertilized with their own pollen.
...the normal sperm levels needed to fertilize the egg.
fertilization N-UNCOUNT 受精; 授粉
From fertilization until birth is about 266 days.
V-T To fertilize land means to improve its quality in order to make plants grow well on it, by spreading solid animal waste or a chemical mixture on it. 使肥沃
The faeces contain nitrogen which fertilizes the soil.
It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
Since only one female usually lays eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one male could fertilize all his sisters on emergence.
If they are females, a male may fertilize their eggs.