在Windows中,处理鼠标操作基本上有下列 三种: 单击(Click):表示按一下鼠标的左键或右键,然后释放; 双击(Double Click):表示快速连续按两下鼠标左键; 拖动(Drag):指按住鼠标的按键后,再移动鼠标。 所有这些鼠标操作,都会产生相应的消息。
像中华网现金存量达5.6亿,本著节约的原则,可以维持155个月,而双击公司(DOUBLE CLICK)手持现金达9.32亿,可以用上207个月。但是无论网络公司如何节衣缩食,都无法避免大量倒闭的命运。
double-click 双击 ; 滑鼠点两下 ; 双击右键 ; 按两下
double click speed 连续双击的速度
Parent folder by double click 双击鼠标到上级目录 ; 双击鼠标到上级
Left-Double Click 编辑元件
Double-click here 双击此处 ; 双击这里
double-click speed 双击速度
Enable Double Click 开启双击功能
Close Tab By Double Click 双击关闭标签
Double Click Editing 双击编辑
You double click an icon, the program gets loaded into memory.
App timer goes to pause mode when you double click on home button.
If you single or double click and nothing happens, or if you double click and it only registers a single click.
You double click an icon, the program gets loaded into memory, well, conceptually where does your program end up?
It's not in my current folder but because I installed it with like a normal installer, double click and all of that.
It's a little puzzle piece that says when the green flag is clicked and this is kind ; of like the beginning of a program; when you double click an icon on your desktop this is how something like that is implemented; it's listening for that double click, it's listening for that green flag.