条件反射(conditioned reflex)是在非条件反射的基础上建立起来的一种高级神经活动,即大脑皮层参与条件反射的形成,它不是生来就具有的,而是在后天经过学习获...
前提反射 ( conditioned reflex )是一种进修征象,最先由俄国心理学家巴甫洛夫发明例如,最初音叉声对狗来讲没有特别指定的意义,被称为中性非常刺激,它不克不...
positive conditioned reflex 阳性条件反射
delayed conditioned reflex 迟延条件反射 ; 延迟条件反射
conditioned reflex method 条件反射法
conditioned reflex therapy 条件反射疗法
conditioned reflex reaction 条件反射反应
negative conditioned reflex 阴性条件反射
classical conditioned reflex 反射 ; 经典条件反射
They always compare their mother tongue, especially their local language, with those of the foreign language again and again. Then conditioned reflex can be formed so that people can blurt out and speak the foreign language fluently.
参考来源 - 语音学习中的负迁移现象与教学方法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: conditional reflex acquired reflex conditional reaction conditioned reaction conditional response conditioned response
以上来源于: WordNet
It is a exploring research on a simple and easy method for establishing the animal model of nictitating membrane conditioned reflex with rabbit.
Objective To study the role of basolateral amygdala in startle conditioned reflex.
It needed 7 to 10 days for establishing stable operational conditioned reflex with the rabbits.
大约7 ~ 10个训练日便可使家兔建立起巩固的操作式条件反射。