First branchial cleft fictula 第一腮裂瘘
first branchial cleft sinus 第一鳃裂窦道
first branchial cleft anormalies 第一鳃裂发育异常
excision branchial cleft vestige 释义腮裂遗迹切除术
branchial cleft sinus 鳃裂窦 ; 鳃裂瘘
同义词: gill slit gill cleft
以上来源于: WordNet
Consulsion: Surgical resection was the main method to treat the congenital branchial cleft cysts.
Objective To investigate the ct manifestation and the key points of diagnosis of branchial cleft cyst.
Results:The branchial cleft cysts more frequently arose from the second branchial pouches and also from the first pouches.