• 养活嗷嗷待哺一家人

    I have a hungry family to feed.


  • 有11个人嗷嗷待哺,我需要你的帮助!

    I have 11 hungry mouths to feed and I need your help!


  • 没有同情那些嗷嗷待哺孩子

    There is no man but feels (ie no man who does not feel) pity for starving children.


  • 一个突如其来礼物救赎了我嗷嗷待哺心灵。

    Salvation presented itself in the form of a present.


  • 她们身后有着大约两百二十万的儿童嗷嗷待哺

    Some 2.2 million children were in families whose incomes went up.


  • 尤其是这个词在面对着十亿嗷嗷待哺人民意义

    You definitively need to learn again the meaning of "have to", especially its meaning when you are facing billions of hungry mouths!


  • 中国现在企业但是很多企业嗷嗷待哺孩子

    China does not lack good business now, but the child that a lot of good businesses are cry piteously for food.


  • 可曾过在些条件下还要设法养活嗷嗷待哺孩子的经历吗?

    Did I have children to feed under such circumstances?


  • 天有多重要,去问问六个孩子嗷嗷待哺日薪工人吧;

    To realize the value of One Day , Ask a daily wage laborer who has six kids to feed .


  • 嗷嗷待哺的小家伙剖腹产的方式出生于离家不远的宠物医院中。

    The whimpering pedigree pups, eight male and nine female, were born by Cesarean section at a veterinary clinic near their home


  • 看看那些雏鸟鸟巢里嗷嗷待哺张大嘴巴等待归来他们我们像那样

    See how the little birds in their nests seem to be all mouth when the mother comes to feed them. Let it be the same with us.


  • 因为嗷嗷待哺的“上帝”一个喋喋不休的婆娘,正所谓生亦何欢,亦何惧。”

    It just says that I have a screaming baby and a nagging wife and that I am not afraid of dying anymore.


  • 现在这些企业实际上很多嗷嗷待哺孩子如果这段时间吃不上奶好孩子不行了

    Now, these good businesses have the child that is cry piteously for food more very actually, if be unable to get something to eat of this paragraph of time is suckled, good child is washed-up also.


  • 只黑头绿妈妈已经只昆虫自己只未离巢的雏鸟,现在嗷嗷待哺的小鸟。

    She's given an insect to one of her nestlings, but now this black-capped vireo mother has two more hungry mouths to feed.


  • 还有什么呢?房贷汽油费停车费通行费还有家里嗷嗷待哺人和你自己食物

    What else is there? House payment, car payments, fuel, parking fees and tolls. Food for the hungry munchkins in your home, and of course, you.


  • 依然很多82耄耋老人嗷嗷待哺幼儿男女老少各色人等车厢塞得水不通。

    Still there are a lot of people, 82-year-old on to the new cohort elderly, down to the feeding of children, women, young and old consisted the carriages were bursting at the seams.


  • 法官为什么放弃自己孩子时,她回答说,家里实在养不起,实在忍心听见嗷嗷待哺哭声

    When asked by the judge why she was giving up her child, the woman responded that she couldn't feed her, and couldn't bear to hear her cry from hunger.


  • 保证他们几年嗷嗷待哺期得以存活最好就是一个合作为基础的聚居的系统他们提供必要食物保护

    The survival of the human young during their long years of dependence was best assured by a system of cooperative base camps that afforded the necessary food and protection.


  • 首先,处于嗷嗷待哺状态的国税局有现金帮助减少赤字对于明显不负责任计划我们很难看到提升信心

    For one thing, it's hard to see how such an obviously irresponsible plan - since when does starving the I.R.S. for funds help reduce the deficit? - can improve confidence.


  • 魏先生主持新闻发布会上,他热切的想焦点转移其他话题,他指出随着冬天临近,200万无家可归嗷嗷待哺

    During his news conference, Mr. Wei was eager to move on to other issues, pointing out that two million people remained homeless and vulnerable as winter approached.


  • 一家零售店工作,每天只能几个子儿,养活在家嗷嗷待哺几个小孩都已经难上加难了,怎么上大学找不到法子啊!

    She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.


  • 医院病房里这些嗷嗷待哺女婴中,包括胳膊细得像树枝21个月大的女婴和一个有着大大的空洞双眼的1岁女婴,瘦骨嶙峋。

    The starving girls in this hospital ward include a 21-month-old with arms and legs the size of twigs and an emaciated 1-year-old with huge, vacant eyes.


  • 而亲几乎不会挑剔主妇它们堆砌细小骨头然后很随意的捣碎这些堆砌物,层层鱼骨头形成的阴影里喂养嗷嗷待哺的小鸟。

    Hardly fastidious homemakers, the birds raise their nestlings in the dark on a layer of tiny fish bones regurgitated as pellets, then shattered with a perfunctory peck.


  • 而亲几乎不会挑剔主妇它们堆砌细小骨头然后很随意的捣碎这些堆砌物,层层鱼骨头形成的阴影里喂养嗷嗷待哺的小鸟。

    Hardly fastidious homemakers, the birds raise their nestlings in the dark on a layer of tiny fish bones regurgitated as pellets, then shattered with a perfunctory peck.


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