• 微风附近游艇码头传来升降索撞击金属桅杆叮当声。

    Breezes set halyards from the nearby marina clanking against metal masts.


  • 游艇码头游艇俱乐部栈桥观景平台游艇码头部分

    The yacht dock project includes four parts such as yacht club, trestle, viewing platform and dock.


  • 东锣岛豪华游艇码头距离三亚凤凰国际机场约有20分钟车程

    Sanya Phoenix International Airport is about 20 minutes drive away from our jetty along Sanya Bay.


  • 太阳下山我们返回营地埃里克敦促我们游艇码头

    As the sun set I presumed we were heading back to camp, Erik urged us to drop by the marina.


  • 目前国内游艇码头设计处于起步阶段缺乏建设经验相关标准规范

    At present, marina design in China is still at its starting stage and there is still lack of construction experience and relevant standards and codes.


  • 一个缩影独家假期24小时礼宾服务包房直升机停机坪游艇码头

    It will be the epitome of an exclusive getaway with 24-hour concierge service, private dining, helipad, marina, and more.


  • 标准内容包括设计生产安装多个阶段,目前国内第一游艇码头(浮桥)企业标准。

    The standard contents include design, production, installation and etc, it's the first yacht marina (pontoon) enterprise standard at present in China.


  • 游艇码头外,滨海新区还将建造游艇制造基地维修中心交易中心、游艇俱乐部五星级酒店顶级商业设施

    A yacht manufacturing base, a maintenance center, a trade center, yacht clubs, five-star hotels and top-class commercial facilities are under construction in the TBNA.


  • 英德市德立浮桥工程有限公司广州德立游艇码头工程有限公司合作完成游艇码头(浮桥)企业标准审定完成。

    The yacht marina (pontoon) enterprise standard made by the cooperation of Yingde Deli pontoon engineering co., Ltd and Guangzhou Deli yacht marina engineering co.


  • 这里距离雅典只有航程,Maalouf计划岛上建设赌场、高尔夫球场、以及能提供五万食宿的豪华建筑群数以千计游艇码头

    It was a short boat ride from Athens, and Maalouf planned to pack it with casinos, golf courses, luxury accommodations for 50, 000 people, and a marina for thousands of yachts.


  • 这里距离雅典只有航程,Maalouf计划岛上建设赌场、高尔夫球场、以及能提供五万食宿的豪华建筑群数以千计游艇码头

    It was a short boat ride from Athens, and Maalouf planned to pack it with casinos, golf courses, luxury accommodations for 50,000 people, and a marina for thousands of yachts.


  • 张总曾经规划部门相关人士沟通过这个问题正是因为项目所在的南边海区域是目前三亚适合建设游艇码头地方,我才选择这块地方。

    Zhang : I have discussed this question with the people from urban planning department. And I choose this area also because it's the best place for developing yacht project.


  • 通常,他们将无乙醇汽油销售给加油站可以通过Pure-Gas.org查找)、游艇码头赛车赛场、农场其他一些希望使用无乙醇汽油的单位。

    Often, this includes deliveries of ethanol-free fuel to gas stations (best found via Pure-Gas. org), marinas, race tracks, farms, and to various others who prefer ethanol-free gasoline.


  • 游艇码头交通码头旅游码头客运码头、 渔人码头高桩码头、 重力码头沉箱结构码头、浮动码头浮桥工程咨询设计施工

    Yacht marina, transport marina, travel marina, pontoon, passenger transport marina, fishing marina, piling dock, heavy load dock, caisson dock, engineering consulting, design, construction.


  • 这个度假胜地拥有海滨住宿高尔夫温泉浴场、码头乘坐历史悠久游艇巡游活动

    The resort has waterfront lodging, golf, a spa, marina, and cruises on a historic yacht.


  • 我们俯视码头那里有比他那游艇倍,甚至倍的船只。

    We looked down the marina, and there were boats two and three times as large.


  • 整个项目的开发包括个有170个泊位码头、一个游艇俱乐部度假区游客凉亭、别墅以及酒店特色

    The full development includes a new, 170-berth marina plus yacht club and the resort will feature guest pavilions and villas as well as the hotel.


  • 尽管如此,公司认为现在已生产出足够满足一些大型器械如拖轮码头起重机,超级游艇等需要的强劲锂离子电池

    Despite this, one company thinks lithium-ion batteries can now be made robust enough to power some really big, demanding kit-such as tugboats, dockside cranes and super-yachts.


  • 位客户最近刚花了六百二十万美元(三千九百三十一万元人民币他儿子加州买下座带私人码头的豪宅和一艘游艇

    One of his clients recently bought a $6.2m mansion in California for his son to live in, snapping up a yacht at the same time so the young man could make use of the property's private dock.


  • 夏威夷部分海域浪高达到7英尺损毁了码头游艇停靠区某些区域引发了洪水

    Waves in parts of Hawaii reached seven feet above normal, damaging piers and marinas and causing some flooding.


  • 亚斯游艇俱乐部著名闪闪发光白色两个反对的亚斯码头F1赛道背景下主要建筑物外观炮弹

    The Yas Island Yacht Club is distinguished by the sparkling white exterior shells of the two main buildings against the backdrop of the Yas Marina and F1 Track.


  • 东港商务区将游艇俱乐部管理配套服务设施建设码头服务管理、泊位预订等方面期待合作

    Donggang CBD is longing to cooperate with you in Yacht Club Management, Supporting Service Construction, Marina Service Management and Berth Reservation.


  • 最后终于看到河流,河上到处反照着月光还有一个小小的码头游艇

    There, at last, was the river, full of reflected moonlight, and a little landing stage and a few pleasure boats.


  • 设计omiros一个建筑(O1A)阿尔·达尔属性Yas游艇俱乐部形式赛车活动重要组成部分的亚斯码头专用区最近举行了首届一级方程序汽车

    Designed by Omiros One Architecture (O1A) for Aldar Properties, the Yas Island Yacht Club forms a key part of the Yas Marina precinct, which recently staged its inaugural Formula 1 motor racing event.


  • 他们一直追踪直到游艇停靠布里斯班的士嘉堡码头

    They were trailed until the yacht docked at Brisbane's Scarborough Marina.


  • 西班牙马略卡岛一港口码头上的游艇法拉跑车

    Marina, port Portals at Majorca, Yachts, sport car, Ferrari Testarossa.


  • 渔人码头游艇叫“四季号”,平常航行蓝色公路或是包船出海钓鱼浮潜鲸豚。

    Fisherman "s wharf has a yacht that" the four seasons maru ", common sailing in blue highways, or for people to charter fishing, snorkeling, whale-watching dolphin."


  • 渔人码头游艇叫“四季号”,平常航行蓝色公路或是包船出海钓鱼浮潜鲸豚。

    Fisherman "s wharf has a yacht that" the four seasons maru ", common sailing in blue highways, or for people to charter fishing, snorkeling, whale-watching dolphin."


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