And, by all means, if you are scheduled to attend class at 11:00, please take the test at 11:00.
But this year, it's my senior year, so I'm just trying to take it easy and... take my classes.
CO Right, so you take the co here, and we take the valence here, and out of that comes covalent.
It can take a secular form, take a Christian form, Judaic form, Hindu Form, with Gandhi and so forth.
So it's these two elements that Brooks is interested in in Freud and that he primarily does take from Freud.
And I'll say, alright, suppose I do take item 0, well I can't take item 0, right? Weighs too much.
I'll take his words literally; I will kill the cat," he thinks, and so he does. He hangs the cat.
P dV is equal to R dT. pV = RT for 1 mole, pdV=RdT so I just take dV here.
Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don' t take pride in them, take pride in your decision and hardwork.
So when you're pissed off about your grade, the person to take it up with... well, take it up with them.
I think you should take the lab sometime, but I don't know how many semesters that you have to take.
> Wow 210 and 233 and the total 550 that the teaching fellows got was 550 give or take so a little take maybe, but let's call it a success.
if we have a very electronegative atom within a certain molecule, what you'll actually find is that it does affect how the molecule is going to take place or take part in different chemical or biological reactions.
It's a genre in which a soloist will confront the orchestra and there'll be a kind of give and take a spirited give and take--between the two.
Student: People who take the rickety bridge might be the kind of people who are more looking for adventure than the people who take the solid bridge.
The reason--unless you can take about eight hours to do it--because, the way you're going to do it is you're going to take a train that goes one hour and fifty-eight minutes to Paris, and then you're going to take another train that zips down here in about four hours to Bordeaux, but you're paying by kilometer.