Have you considered starting a Voluntary Simplicity group?
There are now several books and magazines devoted to what is called the "voluntary simplicity" movement.
Downshifting - also known in America as "voluntary simplicity" - has, ironically, even bred a new area of what might be termed anti-consumerism.
Over a year ago, colleague Bridget Brittman, the PR Coordinator for my local library, scheduled a program on the topic of Voluntary Simplicity (VS).
一年多以前,BridgetBrittman同事 我们地方图书馆的公关协调员,安排了一个主题为“自愿简易”的项目。
Voluntary Simplicity is “living in a way that is outwardly more simple and inwardly more rich, ” as Duane Elgin put it in his 1993 book, Voluntary Simplicity.
“自愿简易”意为“以一种外在更简单,而内在更丰富的方式生活”,正如Duane Elgin在他1993年的书中写到的,“自愿简易”。
Voluntary Simplicity is “living in a way that is outwardly more simple and inwardly more rich, ” as Duane Elgin put it in his 1993 book, Voluntary Simplicity.
“自愿简易”意为“以一种外在更简单,而内在更丰富的方式生活”,正如Duane Elgin在他1993年的书中写到的,“自愿简易”。