It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean.
Is it available in sufficient quantity?
The problem is that this may not be happening, or not in sufficient quantity, thanks in large part to over-regulation of business and indifferent education of the masses.
However, it is unclear whether these positrons can escape from the stellar debris in sufficient quantity to explain the size of the observed cloud.
In sufficient quantity, it can form a sandy, green deposit such as the Cretaceous greensands of the us and UK.
Among them is the possibility that the country is too little developed industrially to produce manufactured goods in sufficient quantity or technical sophistication.
Provided that temperatures are adequate, and that both food and light are also available in sufficient quantity and quality, over-wintering tortoises is not particularly difficult.
Emergency responders need to sample a suspicious powder in order to do a presumptive analysis. Federal agencies also need a sufficient quantity of the powder to do confirmatory testing.
Air, even that state of it which we term wind, may, in most situations, be obtained in a quantity sufficient for every possible use;
空气,在大多数情况下,甚至在我们称为风的状态下,对于每一种可 能的用途在数量上总是 足够的。
For dry ice it will be sufficient to indicate the total quantity in each hold.
This was due to a good 2015 cereals harvest in the EU, both in terms of quantity and sanitary status, and a largely sufficient supply of oilseed meals globally, especially soybean meal.
If we save a sufficient quantity we can use it in the right way.
We do the acceptance test with material that we rolled till June 15th in sufficient quantity under conditions as specified in the contract App 7.7.
We do the acceptance test with material that we rolled till June 15th in sufficient quantity under conditions as specified in the contract App 7.7.