And they remain skeptical of the Copenhagen Accord.
Yet the Copenhagen accord is not the disaster that it at first appears .
The Copenhagen Accord refers to both public and private sources of capital.
Every signatory of the Copenhagen accord would have to hit the top of its range of commitments.
Instead, the Copenhagen accord was criticized by the final plenary of members and not adopted.
Schneider now worries that without such teeth, any post-Copenhagen accord might prove too feeble to protect the planet.
Now we must workto implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments thatare reflected in the ongoing negotiation.
But the agreement, known as the Copenhagen Accord, is not legally binding. It fails to set detailed targets for cuts in carbon emissions.
但是哥本哈根协定(Copenhagen Accord)没有法律约束力,也没有设定减少二氧化碳排放量的具体目标,没有赢得与会所有国家的支持。
China has actively involved in international cooperation on climate change, playing a constructive role in reaching the Copenhagen Accord.
He took the microphone to announce that a deal (the Copenhagen accord) was done, and secretariat personnel frantically distributed the text.
The authors add: "the us said they would deny climate finance to Bolivia and Ecuador because they had objected to the Copenhagen accord proposal."
The work with the Copenhagen Accord should be presented, and how China sees future negotiations will ensure a role for different stakeholders.
Mitigation really focused on the fact that for the first time in the Copenhagen Accord all the major economies agreed to implement either targets or actions.
They said that only two out of 10 developedcountries' reduction targets submitted to the Copenhagen accord qualifyas "sufficient" to keep global temperature rise below 2C.
It is also unclear what sorts of funding should count towards the totals that were pledged. The Copenhagen Accord refers to both public and private sources of capital.
In recent weeks, there are nearly one hundred countries which notified the Secretariat of the Copenhagen Accord their respective emission reduction or mitigation targets.
According to the Copenhagen Accord, parties concerned should submit commitment to combating climate change at the end of this month. When will China hand in such commitment?
What the Copenhagen Accord pledges begin to do is put countries on the record behind policies and programs that can be"measured, reported, and verified" -- MRV, in the lingo.
Around 120 countries have signed up to voluntary action ongreenhouse gases under last December's Copenhagen Accord, which aims tolimit warming since pre-industrial times to 2.0 C.
They argue that, without cuts in emissions far more drastic than those volunteered in the Copenhagen accord, there is only the slimmest chance that serious climate change will be averted.
They argue that, without cuts in emissions far more drastic than those volunteered in the Copenhagen accord; there is only the slimmest chance that serious climate change will be averted.
Whatever accord is reached at Copenhagen, scepticism will still be rife in America about China’s intentions, and in China about America’s willingness to provide the money and technology.
Whatever accord is reached at Copenhagen, scepticism will still be rife in America about China’s intentions, and in China about America’s willingness to provide the money and technology.