• 书馆馆长说:“我们这里有供4到10岁孩子阅读的书,也有供年纪稍大一点的孩子阅读的书,比如世界经典和诗歌。

    The director of the library said, "We have books here for kids aged from four to ten, and books for older children, like world classics and poems.


  • 马逊的一些动物是危险的,比如世界上最大的蛇——水蟒。

    Some of the Amazon's animals are dangerous, such as the anaconda, the largest snake in the world.


  • 例如我们特定的内容(比如世界和平减少贫困)而进行代码缓存时,我们需要使用清单8中的代码。

    For example, when we cache the code for a cause such as world peace or poverty alleviation, we use the code in Listing 8.


  • 今天EVA理论广泛地应用欧洲美国银行业比如世界著名花旗银行汇丰银行

    Today, EVA theory is widely used by banking industry all over the European and American Banks, including international famous Banks such as CITI bank and HSBC.


  • 这个过程叫做合成并且很多不同微生物都能利用这种能源,比如世界各地生活岩石土壤中的微生物。

    This process is called chemosynthesis, and a lot of different microbes can do it, microbes living in rocks and soils all over the world.


  • 到目前为止幻想世界很多成员比如怪物机器人

    So far, his fantasy world has many members, such as monsters and robots.


  • 其中一些来自世界成功公司比如苹果公司牛顿电脑

    Some of them come from the world's most successful companies, like the Newton computer from Apple.


  • 财富在下一个世界帮助东西包围着,比如食物衣服家具武器

    He was surrounded by treasure and by things to help him in the next world, such as food, clothes, furniture and weapons.


  • 甚至遥远地方产生了影响比如喜马拉雅山,这座世界最高上面超过100垃圾

    It even has an influence on places far away like the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain, which has more than 100 tons of rubbish sitting on it.


  • 如果要把大笔资金清理环境灾难上,那么最好钱花在那些乏味紧迫问题上,比如处理第三世界国家卫生的问题上。

    If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries.


  • 世界产生影响想法是否会让有点不过气来——比如可能不得不加入和平或者收养一个来自印尼孤儿

    Does the idea of affecting the world make you hyperventilate a bitlike you might have to join the Peace Corps or adopt an orphan from Indonesia?


  • 当然一些白人男性女性出现属于他们地方比如黑人军团大厅我们世界分界线似乎受到了影响。

    Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall.


  • 当然一些白人男性女性出现属于他们地方比如黑人军团大厅我们世界分界线似乎受到了影响。

    Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted on when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall.


  • 比如从来不魔兽世界很多朋友玩,而且他们现在还在玩。

    I've never played World of Warcraft, for example, but I have a lot of friends who do and who still do.


  • 2015年发表在《自然》杂志上的一项研究预测,与没有变暖的世界相比,最贫穷国家的平均收入到2100年将减少25%,而一些最富有的国家——比如美国——收入可能会增加。

    A 2015 study in the journal Nature predicted that the average income in the poorest countries will be 25% lower by 2100 compared to a world without warming, while some of the richest countries—like the USA—could experience an increase in income.


  • 中国人歌曲旋律很有感觉,熟知称得起世界著名旋律优美的歌曲比如《我的太阳》等。

    The Chinese are sensitive to the melody produced by Neapolitan songs, perhaps the most famous melodic songs in the world like "O sole mio".


  • 比如,中国意大利食物世界很受欢迎.

    Chinese and Italian food, for example, are pupular all over the world.


  • 专家评定吗?知道的,比如100个来自世界不同地方的专家。

    Was it at least a large group of experts, you know, like 100 or something, from every part of the world?


  • 台机器会影响世界么?比如调整一个先锋时间世界也会进入先锋时段么?

    Does it affect the world, so like when you go into pioneer time, does the world go into pioneer times?


  • 有些英勇的,比如真实世界”的佩德罗·扎莫拉其他人则邪恶的,比如“幸存者”中诡计多端的理查德·哈奇

    Some are heroic, such as The Real World’s Pedro Zamora, and others are nefarious, like Survivor’s scheming Richard Hatch.


  • 有些英勇的,比如真实世界”的佩德罗·扎莫拉其他人则邪恶的,比如“幸存者”中诡计多端的理查德·哈奇

    Some are heroic, such as the Real World's Pedro Zamora, and others are nefarious, like Survivor's scheming Richard Hatch.


  • 试探性开始提出一种更为积极愿景比如世界可以如何运行中国可以如何作出贡献等方面。

    Tentatively, it has begun to articulate a more active vision of how the world might be run and how China might contribute.


  • 比如,1990年,62%世界贫困人口就生活两个国家——中国印度

    For example, in 1990, 62% of the world's poor people lived in just two countries, China and India.


  • 比如世界最好的马拉松选手就威胁说环境污染问题而退出此次北京奥运会。

    The world's fastest marathon runner, for one, has threatenedto drop out of that race because of pollution.


  • 指出,将看作异常现象阻碍我们清晰地世界”,比如,阻碍我们寻求减小收入差异的方法。

    Regarding them as anomaliesprevents us from thinking clearly about the world, ” he argues, and from finding ways to, say, reduce income disparities.


  • 比如贝妮周游世界语言不用喝酒很容易可以交到朋友

    Just look at Benny, he travels the world, learns new languages, and has no trouble making friends without drinking.


  • 比如,1990年,62%世界贫困人口就生活两个国家——中国印度

    For example, in 1990, 62% of the world’s poor people lived in just two countries, China and India.


  • 比如,据世界银行估计中国60年代以来31.5亿防洪投入已经减少了120亿损失

    The World Bank estimates, for example, that the $3.15 billion spent in China on flood control since the 1960s has averted losses of $12 billion.


  • 比如,据世界银行估计中国60年代以来31.5亿防洪投入已经减少了120亿损失

    The World Bank estimates, for example, that the $3.15 billion spent in China on flood control since the 1960s has averted losses of $12 billion.


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