• 国立环境卫生中心CDC下属机构之一。

    National Centers for Environmental Health is a branch organ of CDC.


  • 陆军已经命令下属机构购买名单出现信息保障产品

    The Army has mandated that its organizations only buy information assurance products that appear on the list.


  • 企业内部管理者下属机构下属人员评价

    The other is the evaluation of enterprise manager to its sub ordinary and staff.


  • 丈夫女儿女婿空军下属机构民航巡逻不错。

    My husband, daughter and son-in-law are active in the Civil Air Patrol, the auxiliary of the Air Force.


  • 本项目招聘员工康明斯中国投资有限公司一个下属机构服务

    Note that employees will report to a new business entity that is an affiliate of Cummins(China)Investment Co.


  • 篮球运动管理中心作为中国篮协下属机构负责篮球运动国内推广工作。

    The administration center of basketball, a sub-division of CBA, takes the responsibility of promoting the sport in China.


  • 白宫发言人约翰·德罗奥尔默特再次保证以色列袭击针对哈马斯及其下属机构

    White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Mr. Olmert gave a renewed assurance Israel is targeting only Hamas and those affiliated with it.


  • 美国国立药物滥用研究所美国健康公众服务部国立卫生研究院下属机构

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a component of the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.


  • 作者美国国家过敏症传染病研究所所长,该研究所是国家卫生学会下属机构

    The writer is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a part of the National Institutes of Health.


  • 史馆之称,北齐已经出现,但那仅是指负有修史之责秘书省下属机构著作省。

    The name of Shi Guang (the Office of Official Historian) had already appeared at the time of Northern Qi.


  • 国家卫生院(IH)美国医学行为研究下属机构,隶属美国健康人道服务部

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the steward of medical and behavioral research for the United States, governed under the U. s. Department of Health and Human Services.


  • 世行提供赠款无息贷款下属机构国际开发协会项目提供了1.27亿美元贷款。

    The project is financed through the International Development Association, the arm of the World Bank that provides grants and no-interest loans.


  • 下属机构适用任何人时系指任何其他处于该人直接间接完全控制或一般控制

    "Affiliate," as applied to any person, means any other person, directly or indirectly, controlling controlled or under common control with that person.


  • 最终债权人收回了广东国投债务的12.5%,及其主要下属机构债务的11.5%28%。

    Creditors eventually received 12.5% for GITIC and 11.5% to 28% for its main subsidiaries.


  • 更为盛者,金融服务厅与其下属机构证券交易监督委员会”一样设法使自身人员不足极具对抗性

    What is more, the FSA, as well as the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission which sits under it, manages to be both understaffed and overly adversarial.


  • 这种技术出现已经段时间了,周前随着福克斯下属机构播出的一条新闻而引起了人们的广泛关注

    This capability has been around for a while, but it's gotten a lot more attention ever since the Fox affiliate in Memphis aired a story about it a couple weeks ago.


  • 本月早些时候,美国国防部下属机构要求游戏连锁店GameStop不在陆军空军基地销售荣誉勋章》游戏。

    Earlier this month, a Defense Department agency asked GameStop, a chain of video-game stores, not to sell Medal of Honor on Army and Air Force bases.


  • 中国水利部下属机构黄河水利委员会负责人今天提议南水北调工程西部水量可以分流中国干旱西北地区

    The head of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission suggested today that the western route of the south-to-north water transfer project may divert toward China's north-western region.


  • 泰王国厦门总领事商务处泰王国商务部出口促进厅下属机构, 座落厦门宾馆交通便利环境优美。

    Commercial Section, Royal Thai Consulate-General, Xiamen is the sub-organization of Thai DEP, locating at Xiamen Hotel, with convenient transportation and nice environment.


  • 我们在全世界超过150个办事处下属机构合作伙伴全球投放本地服务能力足以我们客户提供多种解决方案

    With more than 150 offices, subsidiaries, and partners worldwide, we have the global reach and local services necessary to deliver solutions for our customers.


  • SPX冷却技术公司SPX集团一个下属机构,是技术产品系统工业产品、流体技术、冷却技术和服务方案全球提供商

    SPX cooling technologies is a unit of SPX Corporation, a global provider of technical products and systems, industrial products, flow technology, cooling technologies and service solutions.


  • 沃尔特·迪士尼公司下属机构他们对于劳工公正待遇问题重视将调查报告中所列举问题”迪士尼公司份声明中

    "The Walt Disney company and its affiliates take claims of unfair labor practices very seriously and investigates any such allegations thoroughly," the company said in a statement.


  • 近期研究中,Levine带领了来自NIDDK和国立肿瘤研究所(NCI)科学家团队二者堪萨斯州大学同为NIH下属机构

    In the current study, Levine led a team of scientists from the NIDDK and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), both components of the NIH, as well as the University of Kansas.


  • Naspers南非很大媒体机构透露它的一个下属机构印刷品ZANU - PF所使用后,超过90名记者联名公司的上层请愿。

    More than 90 journalists from a large South African media group, Naspers, petitioned the company's board after it transpired that a subsidiary of the group had printed material used by ZANU-PF.


  • 介绍了美国图书馆协会下属机构MARS年度最佳免费参考网站评选活动概况,对2005年的入选网站作了选择性的介绍提出评选活动的几个特点启示

    This paper evaluates the best use for free reference websites of 2005 selected by MARS of ALA, summarizes it's characteristic and brings forward some management advices.


  • 介绍了美国图书馆协会下属机构MARS年度最佳免费参考网站评选活动概况,对2005年的入选网站作了选择性的介绍提出评选活动的几个特点启示

    This paper evaluates the best use for free reference websites of 2005 selected by MARS of ALA, summarizes it's characteristic and brings forward some management advices.


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