• Finally, in 1993, Japan, Australia and New Zealand devised a quota system that allows the trawlers to catch a set amount of southern bluefin in the wild and not one tuna more.

    FORBES: The Future Is Fish

  • One calls for a quota system limiting the number of contribution-free workers a business can employ.

    ECONOMIST: German jobs

  • Some activists want to speed up black Brazilians' access to better careers with a quota system of guaranteed university places.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil��s unfinished battle for racial democracy

  • Bakke, the seminal affirmative action ruling issued in 1978, five justices struck down a quota system on statutory and constitutional grounds.

    FORBES: A Divided Court Tackles Affirmative Action

  • Some testimony in the trial will focus on critics' claims that police have a quota system for stops, which would be illegal.

    WSJ: Trial Begins Over NYPD's Frisk Policy

  • Among the first actions: a quota system in 1995 to limit the harvest and ease the pressure the oyster fleet was putting on the dwindling population of shellfish.

    WSJ: Planting Seeds for a Better Oyster Harvest

  • Some say the frailties speak to a wider decline of the Premier League brought about by new limits on spending and a quota system imposed to benefit homegrown players.

    WSJ: Premier League: Flawed Teams, Major Drama

  • All non-Muslims are part of a quota system.

    ECONOMIST: The new symbols of anti-Americanism

  • So he deftly changed the subject, only to be hit between the eyes by Chao, who was steaming about preferences in California, and by Rodriguez, who said he did not want to be a quota-system beneficiary.

    CNN: Talking Race With The President

  • Economic liberalization plans have inevitably run up against entrenched racial preferences, for instance in the property development market, where ethnic Malays still command discounts, and in higher education, which continues to operate on a quota system.

    WSJ: Joseph Chinyong Liow: Malaysia's Doppelganger Election

  • Since the mid-1990s, with the introduction of a quota system that limits the amount of oysters that could be harvesters, the annual haul has rebounded to an average of 72, 000 bushels in the past 10 years.

    WSJ: Planting Seeds for a Better Oyster Harvest

  • Some say these frailties speak to a wider decline of the Premier League brought about by new limits on spending and a new quota system imposed to encourage the development of homegrown players.

    WSJ: England Awaits Stuttering Finale

  • Lebanon, albeit under a sectarian quota system, has converted people's street power into parliamentary elections that have drastically reduced the influence of Syria, whose army has withdrawn and whose own regime is under pressure to reform or go.

    ECONOMIST: Democracy in the Middle East

  • How does one arrange for the top tier to be chosen on merit, and not by a lottery or quota system?

    ECONOMIST: Europe juggles its jobs | The

  • At the same time, Mr Gref said, the immigration quota system had led to a fall in the difference between the number of workers entering and leaving the country to just 30, 000 - a figure that could not satisfy the country's growing demand for workers.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Russia 'needs more immigration'

  • For the conservative side, Justice Antonon Scalia said that he thought the Michigan system amounted to a quota, and questioned whether it furthered racial harmony if it upset many people who fell foul of its provisions.

    BBC: The end of the civil rights era

  • Just under half of the women politicians reported that their parties had adopted some kind of quota system designed to ensure they fielded a minimum number of women candidates in elections.

    BBC: Betty Boothroyd

  • Wasteful discards are reckoned to account for a quarter of total catches under the current quota system.

    BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks

  • No longer could the NBA sustain the quota system limiting the number of black players on a team.

    WSJ: The Night Wilt Chamberlain Made History

  • The quota has now been dropped and replaced with a more flexible system.

    ECONOMIST: Saudi Arabia

  • He was dropped from the squad for March's tour to India as a result of South Africa's racial quota system, and played for Essex and the Mumbai Indians in the interim.

    BBC: Cricket's craziest man

  • China relaxed its quota system for U.S. films last year but still only allows 34 movies a year -- up from 20 previously.

    CNN: James Bond's license to kill curtailed in China

  • The old quota system was bad, acknowledges Mozn Hassan, the director of Nazra for Feminist Studies, a Cairo-based organisation that researches women's rights and whose members include a number of Islamic feminists.

    ECONOMIST: Women and the Arab awakening

  • The current system is probably less bad than the 1950s device of forcing British cinemas to show a quota of British films.

    ECONOMIST: Films and tax relief

  • Because of that, now there's a lot of backlash and there are people who are starting to say, well, I might have to just declare myself black just so that I can get a space on some of these reserve spots for those universities that are beginning to institute the quota system.

    NPR: Afro-Brazilian, African-American Ties

  • Three counties have been picked to test a new system of small farms, which will be allowed to keep 30% of their production quota, and any excess.

    ECONOMIST: North Korea

  • As such, those who believe the IMF must look beyond Europe after the DSK scandal have a valid point, as they do when they argue that a managing director from an emerging nation will have a most salutary impact by underscoring the message the IMF sent in 2008 when it reformed its system of quota shares to better represent smaller countries.

    FORBES: The IMF's Challenge Will Persist Long After Strauss-Kahn Is Gone

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