He even declared that he had "grown to like it" in the confined space.
What does it do to you being in that kind of a confined space?
The darkness, the confined space and the sound all add to the intimacy of the experience.
Ventilation dilutes the concentration of infectious particles within any confined space, thereby reducing the probability of infection.
The designers also have to take into account the risks of using equipment in a confined space.
Most batteries are packaged into a confined space, which makes them handy for powering your iPad or your Tesla.
With most people stuck in a confined space over Christmas, accidents are common.
"Mr Assange, as everyone knows, is in a confined space, " Ms Alban said.
Ana Alban said the Wikileaks founder, who is fighting UK efforts to send him to Sweden, was suffering from living "in a confined space".
An airplane, even a Gulfstream, Bombardier Global Express or Dassault Falcon 7X, is a confined space which you share with others often for long stretches of time.
The problem is that you're underground, in a confined space, at the potential mercy of calamities and fellow passengers who may not share your peerless hygienic standards.
He also said that the police tactic of "kettling" - coralling protesters into a confined space for a number of hours - should only be used as a last resort.
Police and security services in Moscow are gearing to up for "all possible emergencies" even though the athletics championships will be held in a confined space indoors at the Luzhniki Stadium.
If he gets it wrong he may be forced to share a confined space for an indefinite period with someone deficient in wit, aptitude and hygiene, with nothing but a flimsy partition for protection.
The truth is that when you go into a confined space where there are a potential mixture of combatants and non-combatants, the process each US soldier will have to do is discernment, discrimination and engagement.
CNN: Kelly McCann: The role of special operations in finding bin Laden
But it always depends you see, because theatres are very confined for space and at a theatre like Drury Lane you can do a great deal, a theatre like the Adelphi it's much more difficult because there isn't really the space to do anything much.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
The 11 whales are confined in a space of about 30 feet by 30 feet, where they use an opening for a breathing hole, Inukjuak Mayor Petah Inukpuk said.
Which would probably be Okay with the new kinder and gentler Microsoft if force feedback was going to stay confined to the videogame space.
Additionally, people who left their homes and packed into stadiums could be vulnerable to dehydration and respiratory diseases, as very large groups of people are confined together in one space.
Any of these problems can be dangerous in the close, confined, pressurized quarters of the space station.
The large enclosure where Hanson was killed includes a smaller cage where animals can be confined for feeding or when the large space is being cleaned.
The reasons are apparently that scars could open up in space, dental problems could cause serious complications, and body odour must be avoided in a confined spacecraft.
"It's very, very confined, and no construction work went on, or no clean up went on in this 18-inch space between the two buildings" after the attacks.