One of his blurred hands holds a palette, brushes, and a maulstick with professional aplomb.
The Reds went ahead when Cole set up Ryan Babel to finish with aplomb.
As for video recording, the NEX-6 was able to record 720p video with aplomb.
For somebody who is relatively new to royal engagements, Kate has performed with aplomb.
As such, he adeptly bridges the high and lower ends of fashion with aplomb.
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The minimal elements of his story in place, Mr Crais tightens the screws with wicked aplomb.
American sugar producers argue, with complete aplomb, that the price-support program operates at no cost to taxpayers.
That is a heap of human impact to mitigate and Borchardt has borne its burden with aplomb.
Hermione (Emma Watson) shows preternatural aplomb, but then she has been forty since the age of ten.
It was left to Howson to put the icing on the cake, running clear to finish with aplomb.
Moving in September 2010 to the Foreign Ministry, Maehara again deported himself with aplomb and with extraordinary effectiveness.
The director, Mr. Espinosa, handles the social climbing and the multicultural criminality with great aplomb and relentless energy.
Kranjcar drove in from the right and finished with aplomb to add the polish to an accomplished Spurs performance.
The director stages the climactic Oklahoma land rush with aplomb, but by then the audience has ceased to care.
Although it was too tall to fit underneath the bed or the dresser, it handled the different surfaces with aplomb.
She unflinchingly grabbed Pippin's crown, put it on and danced with the aplomb that is honed with years of experience.
The entertaining, portly coaching lifer made a career out of delivering basketball wisdom or a restaurant review with equal aplomb.
Clearwire may be bereft of funds but its CTO Dr. John Saw has managed the company's technology efforts with aplomb.
Reportedly, Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp turned down the role, and either might have played him with more aplomb.
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Mr Jackson's aides said the Baptist minister, with aplomb, had caught hold of his host and refused to let go.
But Russia had entered the affray with aplomb, playing a central part in the search for a diplomatic way out.
With much aplomb, Estrada takes off his fine barong (diaphanous shirt) and seats himself with the protesters at a long table.
Other money managers, longs and shorts alike, discuss stocks with owlish aplomb.
Nope, there are just guys like Lyle Overbay filling in with aplomb.
Then Hillary held forth with great aplomb: Apparently she's mainly Chelsea's mom.
Replays suggested the midfielder had gone over Warnock's challenge rather theatrically, but Adebayor showed no mercy as he side-footed home the spot-kick with aplomb.
February's peace deal, struck with Mr Nuri after months of negotiations under Russian, Iranian and United Nations auspices, is a triumph of his aplomb.
Petri Pasanen managed to block Ljungberg's pass to Reyes with a sliding tackle, but the ball broke kindly for Henry, who finished with aplomb.
Sensing the covering Robinson behind him, Hodgson had the wit to look for support and found the flying Ashton to his left who finished with aplomb.
Expect Natalie Massenet, who has already turned a kitchen table business into the global luxury e-tailer Net-a-porter, to pull her new role off with equal aplomb.